
Our vision: Following Jesus, Making Disciples, and Serving God’s People

The mission of Lloyd Presbyterian Church is to faithfully learn of and witness to the transforming love and good news of Jesus Christ.

A Courageous Legacy. The church was founded in 1870 and is believed to be named after abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison. With support from the missionaries and First Presbyterian Church of Winston Salem, Lloyd began as part of a national movement to establish African American Presbyterian churches after the Civil War.

photo credit Tiffany Parris / thethreadisred.com

Historic landmark. Since 1981, the church building has been a local historic landmark .  The sanctuary was constructed by the congregation between 1890 and 1907. It is the second oldest historically African American church worshiping in its original building and location in Forsyth County. It is the only example of carpenter-built Gothic architecture. It was recognized by the National Register of Historic Places as a historic site in 1998.

Lloyd is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church, USA and Salem Presbytery. We are also members of the Fellowship Community.  The multicultural and multigenerational congregation shares the heritage of the Reformed Tradition and is ecumenical in Spirit.

Weekly Schedule
  • Sundays  in-person
    Worship – 11:30am
  • Mondays
    Prayer for the City – 2:30pm
  • Tuesdays  conference call
    Prayer Meeting – 10:00-10:45am
  • Wednesdays
    Bible Study – 12:30-2:00pm currently on hold